MR Active Label
ActiveX Control 1.0 |
This label control is able to change its
fore color on mouse events, and open an internet address on click.
This control has been made by my little
brother, Miguel Redondo. He's 13 years old.
- 11.06.98, Version 1.0 released.
- ActiveColor. Color that the label will have when the mouse
is over it.
- Alignment. Set here the alignment you want the text to have
inside the label.
- BackColor. Background color for the label.
- Caption. Text that the label will show.
- ExecuteCommand. Command that the control will execute when
clicked. You can put anything here, like an Internet address
(, a path (c:\windows) or a document (c:\my text file.txt),
and the control will open your default web browser, the explorer with the folder or the
Notepad with the text file.
- ExecuteOperation. opOpen, opPrint or opExplore, depending on
what you want to do with the instruction set in ExecuteCommand.
- ExecuteParameters. Any extra parameters that you want to
send with the instruction set in ExecuteCommand.
- ExecuteWindow. Kind of window that you want to be open when
the instruction set in ExecuteCommand is executed.
- Font. Font that will be used with the caption of the label.
- ForeColor. Color that the label will have when the mouse is
not over it.
- UnderlineOnMouse. If this is True, the caption will be
underlined when the mouse is over it.
- Click ()
- MouseDown ()
- MouseEnter (). This event is fired when
the mouse is put over the button.
- MouseLeave (). This event is fired when
the mouse leaves the button.
- MouseUp ()
(32 Kb) |
© Alvaro Redondo, 1998. All Rights Reserved.